Young Kabuki actor’s debut breaks Japanese theater traditions

Category: Lifestyle/Entertainment


Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. convention / kənˈvɛn ʃən / (n.) – a way of doing something or behaving that is generally accepted in a society

    People are often afraid to break conventions.

  2. stick with / stɪk wɪθ / (phrasal v.) – to continue using or doing something without changing it

    I tried new twists for this dish, but I’ll stick with the original recipe because it’s the most delicious.

  3. demanding / dɪˈmæn dɪŋ / (adj.) – requiring a lot of time, energy, and attention

    Starting a business will be very demanding.

  4. pass down / pæs daʊn / (phrasal v.) – to give or teach something to a younger person, especially within the same family

    This diamond necklace has been passed down for seven generations.

  5. poignant / ˈpɔɪn yənt / (adj.) – deeply affecting the emotions

    Vincent van Gogh’s artworks always give me poignant feelings and make me tear up.


Read the text below.

Ten-year-old Maholo Terajima Ghnassia loves watching anime and playing baseball. He likes making beats and whisper ASMR. And he’s breaking conventions in Japan’s 420-year-old Kabuki theater tradition.

In Kabuki, all the roles are played by men, including beautiful princesses — a role Maholo accomplishes stunningly in his official stage debut as Maholo Onoe at the Kabuki Theater in downtown Tokyo. In the performance, which ran May 2 through 27 to full audiences, he starts out disguised as a woman, dancing gracefully, before transforming into sword-wielding warrior Iwami Jutaro. He then makes a quick costume change right there on the stage, all while delivering singsong lines in a clear resonating voice unaided by a microphone.

Kabuki is typically passed from father to son, the art form largely limited to Japanese men. But Kikugoro Onoe is Maholo’s maternal grandfather; the young Kabuki performer’s father, Laurent Ghnassia, is French.

Maholo himself isn’t sure yet if he will stick with the strict, demanding art form and someday adopt his grandfather’s stage name, Kikugoro — a prized name in Kabuki passed down through generations of Onoe men.

Child Kabuki actors go through a difficult transitional period when their voices change with puberty but they aren’t yet mature enough to take adult roles. Only the truly determined ones pull through that stretch to succeed.

“Unless he is recognized and in demand, he won’t get any roles. He must have the passion. It’s not easy. It’s up to him,” said Maholo’s mother, renowned actor Shinobu Terajima. She won the Silver Bear for Best Actress at the Berlin International Film Festival for her poignant performance in the 2010 film “Caterpillar.”

Kabuki performances feature stylized dancing and makeup, powerful live music, and elaborate costumes and sets. Many popular storylines include star-crossed lovers, suicides and the pursuit of revenge. There is action as well, involving intricate stagecraft like revolving platforms and trapdoors. In some scenes, ropes are used so actors “fly” above the spectators.

Although Japan has been known for discriminatory attitudes toward foreigners and outsiders, Terajima hopes her son’s French cultural background will give Maholo a unique edge in the world of Kabuki.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • Maholo Terajima Ghnassia is breaking conventions in Japan’s 420-year-old Kabuki theater tradition. What do you think about the idea of breaking conventions? Discuss.
  • In an interview with Maholo’s father, he said that he’ll support whatever Maholo wants to be, even if he wants to be a taxi driver. Do you think it’s important to have the support of one’s parents in pursuing a career? Why or why not? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Kabuki performances have many popular storylines, including star-crossed lovers and the pursuit of revenge. If you were to create a storyline for a Kabuki performance, what would it be? Why? Discuss.
  • Kabuki is typically passed from father to son. Do you practice any form of art? What is a practice/interest that you want to pass down to younger family members (ex. cooking a special recipe, painting skills)? Why? Discuss.