- レアジョブ英会話トップ
Eliza.VB先生 講師詳細
20代 / 女性 / 講師歴 3年以上
ラサール大学セントベニール校 経営学科
Hello! I'm Eliza. I'm currently taking my second-degree program, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. My past working experiences are related to Logistics and Supply Chain Management. My hobbies are cooking, hiking, spending time with my dogs, and indulging in entertainment like TV series, movies, and music. I'm passionate about aiding others in enhancing their English skills and believe in fostering an enjoyable learning environment. See you in my class!
Hello! I'm Eliza. I'm currently taking my second-degree program, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. My past working experiences are related to Logistics and Supply Chain Management. My hobbies are cooking, hiking, spending time with my dogs, and indulging in entertainment like TV series, movies, and music. I'm passionate about aiding others in enhancing their English skills and believe in fostering an enjoyable learning environment. See you in my class!
- 2015/02 - 2020/02: 物流 サービス Logistics Coordinator
- ペット:Dogs
- アウトドア:Hiking
- グルメ:Asian, Italian, Mediterranean food
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