


Can you see me on the video?

Can we have a short introduction first?

I will be your tutor today.

What is your name?

What should I call you?

Can you tell me about yourself?

What did you do today?


Let’s begin today’s lesson.

Please look at _~.

Are you on page ~?

Let’s go to the next page.

Can you read the lesson goal?

Please say ~__.

Please read ~__.

You will be A. I will be B.

Please repeat after me.

Go on.

Well done.

Do you have any questions?

It’s better to say ~.


It’s almost time.

Today, you learned about ~.

Do you have any questions before we end the class?

Thank you for having a lesson with me today.

I hope to see you again soon!

世界と英語でつながろう レアジョブ英会話で無料体験レッスンをはじめる!世界と英語でつながろう レアジョブ英会話で無料体験レッスンをはじめる!