Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases
Listen and repeat. 聞いてリピートしましょう。
- ex. We had a party in honor of my grandma’s 85th birthday.
- ex. I loved the limited-edition apple chocolate snacks that were sold last fall.
- ex. I couldn’t find them at the store, so maybe they haven’t hit the shelves yet.
- ex. If you rub the lamp, the genie will grant you three wishes!
- ex. My friend won a lifetime supply of shoes. He has over 100 pairs now!
Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.記事を読んで講師からの質問に答えましょう。
In honor of its 110th birthday this month, Oreo has released a new limited-edition flavor. Chocolate Confetti Cake Oreos have sprinkles and two layers of creme, the classic white creme and a special chocolate cake-flavored creme. The limited-edition flavor was available for pre-order on Oreo’s official site from mid-January and hit the shelves on January 31.
Oreo also launched a contest to grant “birthday wishes” for lucky customers. Prizes include an Oreo baking experience with a pastry pro, a basketball experience with NBA star Dwight Howard, a dream vacation, a lifetime supply of Oreos, and a space kit including a telescope and projector. To enter, customers can go to the Oreo website or scan the code on packages of Oreos. The contest ends on March 31.
Oreos were first sold on March 6, 1912, at a supermarket in New Jersey. In addition to its original chocolate cookies with white creme filling, Oreo has regularly released limited-edition flavors such as Mint Chocolate Chip, Salted Caramel Brownie, and Carrot Cake. In 2021, the company collaborated with Lady Gaga to create bright pink Oreos with green creme filling.
Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.トピックを選び、質問に基づいて議論しましょう。
Oreo’s Birthday
- Do you think the new Oreo flavor and birthday wish contest are a good way to celebrate Oreo's 110th birthday? Why or why not? Discuss.
- Imagine that you won Oreo's birthday wish contest. Which wish will you ask them to grant (an Oreo baking experience, an NBA star basketball experience, a dream vacation, a lifetime supply of Oreos, or a space kit)? Why? Discuss.
- Do you think that Oreos will continue to be popular for another 110 years? Why or why not? Discuss.
Limited Editions
- Which limited-edition Oreo flavors in the article would you like to try (Chocolate Confetti Cake, Mint Chocolate Chip, Salted Caramel Brownie, Carrot Cake, and/or Lady Gaga)? Why? Discuss.
- Imagine that you can design your own limited-edition Oreo flavor. What flavor will you make? Why? Discuss.
- Compared to regular products, do you think people feel more pressure to buy limited-edition products? Why or why not? Discuss.