
級 | レベル | 語彙数 | 参考 |
1級 | 大学上級程度 | 10,000~15,000 | 通訳案内士試験の筆記試験免除 |
準1級 | 大学中級程度 | 7,500~9,000 | 公務員試験での加算 |
2級 | 高校卒業程度 | 3,800~5,100 | 大学単位認定、就職にPR |
準2級 | 高校中級程度 | 2,600~3,600 | 高校卒業段階の英語力の達成目標:準2級~2級(文部科学省) |
3級 | 中学卒業程度 | 1,250~2,100 | 中学卒業段階の英語力の達成目標:3級(文部科学省) |
4級 | 中学中級程度 | 600~1,300 | スピーキングテストも受験可能 |
5級 | 中学初級程度 | 300~600 | スピーキングテストも受験可能 |
級 | 合格率 |
1級 | 12% |
準1級 | 16% |
2級 | 26.4% |
準2級 | 36.7% |
3級 | 52.9% |
4級 | 69.9% |
5級 | 81.4% |
The economist described the current situation as ( ) to that just before the Wall Street Crash of 1929. He called on the government to act quickly to avoid a similar event.選択肢
① precocious ② impertinent 3 analogous ④ adverse答え:3
出典:2024年度 第2回 過去問・サンプル集|日本英語検定協会
Pattee has proposed a new model for conceptualizing climate responsibility: “climate shadow.” Unlike a carbon footprint, a “shadow” indicates a positive impact. Essentially, a person`s climate shadow is a comprehensive tally that includes not only easily quantifiable factors, such as how much they travel on airplanes, but also broader choices, such as which political candidates they support. It also emphasizes the ( 28 ). This is embodied in a category that Pattee has labeled “attention,” or the time and effort one puts into addressing the climate crisis. Engaging friends in climate-related discussions will render a larger climate shadow, for instance, than simply using less electricity. As Pattee points out dismantling the fossil-fuel-driven energy system requires collective efforts.選択肢 (28)
1 reason politicians ignore the issue
2 need to carefully track carbon footprints
3 ways the fossil fuel industry can help
4 importance of inspiring others
答え:4出典:2024年度 第2回 過去問・サンプル集|日本英語検定協会
The 1950s were a time of social and political upheaval in Egypt. The revolution that occurred in 1952 ushered in large-scale agrarian reforms and industrialization initiatives meant to bolster the economy and narrow class divisions. Land was taken from the upper class and redistributed, though it ended up mostly in the hands of army officers and the newly established middle class. The focus on industrial development projects, meanwhile, meant that, for financially disadvantaged people, the allure of owning farmland in rural areas was trumped by the promise of a better life in urban centers. In response to the ensuing surge in urban population growth in Cairo, the new government embarked on an initiative to finance and construct low-cost public housing in the city. However, these efforts fizzled out in the mid-1960s as budget allocation became heavily skewed toward military spending, leading low-cost housing demand to greatly exceed supply. Moreover, strict rent-control laws enacted by the new government had severely decreased economic incentives for building rental propertics and investing in the rental market in general, leaving poorer residents with ever-dwindling options. Consequently, informal housing settlements began to be erected around the city, mostly on plots of privately owned land formerly used for agriculture. The construction and development of these settlements were carried out without government planning or approval.質問
According to the author of the passage, what was one result of the social reforms undertaken in Egypt in the 1950s?選択肢
1 The emphasis on industrialization meant the financial opportunities offered by urban environments overshadowed the appeal of rural land ownership for poorer people.
2 An increasingly strong military and investment by wealthy members of society resulted in increased stability in the public housing market.
3 Rent-control laws put in place after the revolution enabled more poorer people to afford accommodation, triggering a boom in government-sponsored housing construction.
4 An increase in workers who migrated to Cairo only for short-term work led to many rental properties in the city being abandoned and seized by the government.答え:1
出典:2024年度 第2回 過去問・サンプル集|日本英語検定協会
■例題:要約(English summary)
In developing countries such as India, cars were once considered luxuries that only the affluent could afford. Due to rapid economic growth in such countries, however, this is no longer the case. With increased wealth comes an increased demand for mobility, and owning a car is becoming the norm. Studies suggest the total number of cars on roads worldwide is likely to nearly double over the next two decades. Additionally, in most developed countries, the number of car owners is thought to have peaked, but as prosperity has risen, sport utility vehicles have gained popularity. These cars are big and heavy, which inevitably leads to poorer fuel efficiency. As a consequence of these factors combined usage of gasoline and diesel continues to rise worldwide.
Many environmentalists are alarmed by this trend. Gasoline and diesel are fossil fuels and are therefore finite resources. Given how dependent modern society is on cars, there could be serious problems when these resources run out.
Furthermore, burning these fuels produces CO2 and research indicates that cars and other road vehicles are responsible for around 15 percent of the world’s total CO2 emissions. It is clear that climate change cannot be addressed without addressing transportation.
Scientists have come up with a potential means of resolving these concerns. They have developed a process for producing fuel from animal and plant waste. The process involves a type of bacteria that breaks down the waste and produces biogas containing methane. This can then be purified to use as biofuel for vehicles that does not increase atmospheric CO2 levels. However, there is an issue with the biofuel-production process. Technological advances in the field have been slow, and the process is not yet efficient enough to make the largescale use of biofuel for transportation realistic. This has discouraged many governments from allocating funding for biofuel-production facilities.出典:2024年度 第2回 過去問・サンプル集|日本英語検定協会
内容 | 問題数 | 質問数 | 時間 | |
Part 1 | 会話文など | 10 | 各1問 | 合計35分 |
Part 2 | 説明文など | 5 | 各2問 | |
Part 3 | アナウンスなど | 5 | 各1問 | |
Part 4 | インタビュー | 1 | 2問 |
人物A:We just got a call from the water-treatment plant. They did an inspection, and the rust problem in the pipes appears to be spreading more quickly than we thought.
人物B :That’s not good. How much will the repairs cost?
人物A : Well the pipes are still fully functional, so there’s no need for repairs. But the inspector suggested switching from annual to quarterly monitoring.
人物B :That shouldn’t be a problem. I guess it’s good the rust was spotted quickly.
人物A : Yeah. Catching problems early should help prolong the life span of the pipes.
Question: What did the inspector recommend?
1. Doing the repairs on the pipes more quickly.
2. Having the pipes inspected more often.
3. Investing in higher-quality pipes.
4. Replacing some of the pipes.
出典:2024年度 第1回 過去問・サンプル集|日本英語検定協会
それぞれの文章にはタイトルがついているので、音声を聞く前に何についての文章なのか予想してきましょう。「What is one reason for~?」など、理由が尋ねられる質問を含め、さまざまです。
Research shows that humans sleep less than other primates. The average sleeping time for humans is around seven hours each night compared to over fifteen hours for some lemurs and monkeys. Scientists suggest that this difference stems from the fact that our ancestors moved from living in trees to living on the ground. They also started sleeping on the ground, which made them more vulnerable to predators. To reduce the risk of attack they started sleeping for shorter periods and began sleeping in groups, with a lookout constantly on guard.
‘While reducing sleeping time helped ensure safety, it also created a problem: too little sleep can weaken the immune system and impair mental performance. However, human sleep seems to have changed to overcome this issue. Studies show that compared to that of other primates, human sleep consists of a higher proportion of rapid eye movement, or REM, which is when dreams occur. Scientists believe this allows us to gain the benefits of sleep in a shorter time. Sleeping less also gave our ancestors more time to communicate with each other and learn new skills. This extra time spent transmitting cultural information and strengthening social ties is thought to have given humans an evolutionary advantage.Question: What is one thing the speaker says about our ancestors?
1. They were often attacked by other primates.
2. They slept for longer periods than other primates.
3. They reduced their sleeping time to survive.
4. They kept moving to new areas to live.
出典:2024年度 第1回 過去問・サンプル集|日本英語検定協会
Hi, everyone. I’m concerned we’re getting behind schedule with the project, so I’d like to assess progress. Production team, I deed to know whether we still have enough time to manufacture the products in tie for the projected launch date. Please put some figures together and e-mail them to me today. Design team, I want to know where we stand regarding the changes we discussed last week. I’ve set up a meeting with you at 1:00 p.m. today, so show me the updated design then. If that’s not possible, come and speak to me right away. Manufacturing can`t start until the design has been finalized, so we need to move quickly on this. I’ll be in my office for about an hour after this meeting. As for the marketing team, please give me an update on the advertising campaign at our regular meeting on Friday.Situation: Your boss is speaking to team leaders at an emergency meeting about a product your company is developing. You are the leader of the design team. The new design will be ready tomorrow.
Question: What should you do?
① Consult the marketing team on Friday.
② Send an e-mail to your boss today.
③ Attend another meeting this afternoon.
④ Go to your boss’s office after this meeting.
出典:2024年度 第1回 過去問・サンプル集|日本英語検定協会
Do the rich have a responsibility to help the poor in society?
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