Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases
Listen and repeat. 聞いてリピートしましょう。
- ex. During the festival, people from different towns converge on the main street.
- ex. I enjoy traveling because I get to meet people from all walks of life.
- ex. The city is known for its diversity because people from different countries live there.
- ex. She values the intangible things in life, like friendship and kindness.
- ex. My friend is studying to become a chef, so I gave her a book about wine tasting and gastronomy as a gift.
Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.記事を読んで講師からの質問に答えましょう。
The popular “Würstelstand” or Vienna sausage stand is a place where many people converge to enjoy the delicious snack in Austria. It is now officially part of the country’s cultural heritage. Recently, the “Würstelstand” was added to Austria’s national list of cultural traditions, which is managed by the Austrian UNESCO Commission. The “Würstelstand” joins other famous places like Vienna’s wine bars and coffee houses in the list.
Traditional sausage stands started before World War I in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Back then, old soldiers opened small moving cooking stalls to earn money. At first, sausages were sold from small carts pulled by dogs or horses. Today, people from all walks of life converge at these stands. You might see a CEO, a celebrity, or a street sweeper enjoying a snack together.
Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig said the UNESCO title honors the tradition, warmth, and diversity of the city. He added that the stands are more than just places to eat. They are part of Vienna’s intangible culture and gastronomy. Josef Bitzinger, who runs a famous sausage stand, said, “It brings people together.”
Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.トピックを選び、質問に基づいて議論しましょう。
The “Würstelstand” and Bringing People Together
- The popular “Würstelstand” or Vienna sausage stand is a place where many people converge. In your opinion, how valuable is such a place? Discuss.
- People from all walks of life in Austria converge at traditional sausage stands. Why do you think it’s important for people from all walks of life to meet and enjoy things together? Discuss.
- In your country, what place is known to bring people together like the “Würstelstand?” Discuss.
Cultural Heritage and Tradition
- In your opinion, how important is a country’s cultural heritage and tradition? Discuss.
- In your country, what popular place do you think should be included in the list of cultural heritage and tradition? Discuss.
- In your opinion, is it good to welcome foreign tourists to places with cultural heritage and tradition? Why or why not? Discuss.