Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases
Listen and repeat. 聞いてリピートしましょう。
- ex. Our family holds an annual picnic every summer at the local park.
- ex. The movie is about a teenager's coming of age and his adventures as an adult.
- ex. The transition from high school to university can be challenging for many students.
- ex. Scientists are doing research to find cancer treatment.
- ex. She helped her friend move to a new house, and her friend cooked a nice dinner for her in return.
Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.記事を読んで講師からの質問に答えましょう。
At Federico Gomez Children’s Hospital in Mexico City, volunteers help young patients celebrate the annual “Mis XV” or “My Fifteenth” event. They do the teenagers’ hair and makeup and put them in nice clothes. This special event celebrates teenagers’ coming of age. In Mexico, the fifteenth birthday is very important, as it symbolizes a person’s transition from being a child to an adult.
The “Mis XV” event is for young patients who are given treatment for dangerous conditions. The hospital started this event in 2017. A patient was turning fifteen, so volunteers had a party for her. Now, it has become an annual event. Some families cannot pay for big parties because of expensive treatments. So the hospital helps by making the event free.
Patient Alexa Flores López and her family are part of this “Mis XV.” She and her sister are receiving treatment at the hospital, and the “Mis XV” event brings them happiness. In addition, the event also brings joy to hospital volunteers like Francesca Solórzano. “I receive more than I give,” she said. Solórzano shared that she gives her time at the hospital and gets a lot in return.
Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.トピックを選び、質問に基づいて議論しましょう。
Birthdays and Coming of Age
- How important are birthday celebrations for you? Discuss.
- “Mis XV” celebrates teenagers’ coming of age. In your opinion, what does it mean to come of age? Discuss.
- Federico Gomez Children’s Hospital’s “Mis XV” event is for young patients who are receiving treatment at the hospital. What do you think about the hospital’s efforts? Discuss.
- The “Mis XV” event brings joy to hospital volunteers. Why do you think volunteers find joy in helping the teenage patients for the event (ex. because birthdays are a happy occasion)? Discuss.
- Volunteer Francesca Solórzano shared that she gives her time at the hospital and gets a lot in return. What do you think this means? Discuss.
- Would you like to volunteer at a hospital? Why or why not? Discuss.