Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases
Listen and repeat. 聞いてリピートしましょう。
- ex. My phone stopped working because it had a faulty battery.
- ex. The computer needs an update to fix the software problems.
- ex. His dependence on his phone makes it hard for him to focus on his studies.
- ex. When the factory closed, it created a ripple effect that hurt many small businesses in town.
- ex. Social media can amplify bad news quickly, spreading information to many people in a short time.
Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.記事を読んで講師からの質問に答えましょう。
Recently, a large-scale technology problem caused difficulty for many businesses around the world. A faulty update on Microsoft’s Windows software by CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, led to serious issues in July. The problem continued for some businesses, like Delta Air Lines, days after the update. This incident showed people’s dependence on technology.
According to tech expert Paul Saffo, many people don’t realize their dependence on technology until a problem happens. Our computers, phones, and other devices are all connected, making our lives easier. But when technology fails, it can create a ripple effect. Problems can spread to many devices and services. Gregory Falco, a professor at Cornell University, believes people should look at how the internet works and why it works this way.
Some people believe that “Big Tech” companies, like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Meta, are amplifying the problem of technology dependence. Others think that our dependence on new devices and the internet is our society’s fault. However, Saffo suggests we should look at ourselves first before blaming others.
Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.トピックを選び、質問に基づいて議論しましょう。
Positive Impacts of Technology
- Do you agree that technology makes people’s lives easier and better? Why? Discuss.
- What technology do you think is most useful (ex. the internet, laptop computers)? Discuss.
- According to the article, computers, phones, and other devices are all connected and make people’s lives easier. Do you think that being connected through technology is more helpful or harmful to people’s lives? Why? Discuss.
Disadvantages of Technology
- In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of technology (ex. people depend on it too much, it makes people lazy)? Discuss.
- What are some signs that someone depends on technology too much? Discuss.
- According to Paul Saffo, many people don’t realize their dependence on technology. What do you think will happen to a person who depends on technology too much? Discuss.