
Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases

Listen and repeat.

  1. a reveler
    • ex. Revelers are at the city center for the New Year’s Eve party and concert.
  2. turn up
    • ex. He didn’t turn up at the meeting because of a family emergency.
  3. distinctly
    • ex. The female singer is distinctly different from the others.
    • ex. Everyone wanted to watch the pop singer’s epic concert tour. It has already earned a billion dollars.
    • ex. Five winners have to share the million-dollar jackpot.


Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.

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The World Darts Championship is one of the most colorful events in British sports. It happened from December 2023 through January this year. Around 90,000 fans were expected to go to the event. The event happened at the Alexandra Palace in London. During this event, adult men and revelers turn up wearing fun and crazy costumes.

Why do fans turn up wearing costumes to this event? Fans do this to celebrate one of the country’s most loved sports. This makes the event feel distinctly British. In the epic final game, fans wore costumes based on characters from Alice in Wonderland. Some also wore costumes to look like famous stars, including Elton John, David Bowie, and Michael Jackson.

Luke Littler is a 16-year-old player who joined his first game at the World Darts Championship. He would have become the youngest winner of the tournament. In fact, he had a lot of fans. However, he did not win the epic final game against the world’s no. 1 Luke Humphries. Humphries won the sport’s biggest prize and a jackpot of 500,000 pounds (about ¥92 million).

This material was based on an article by The Associated Press.


Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.


  • In your opinion, what is the most loved sport in your country? Discuss.
  • In your country, how do sports fans show their support to players or teams (ex. by wearing a costume)? Discuss.
  • What is a distinct behavior of sports fans from your country (ex. cleaning up after the game, wearing costumes)? Discuss.

Epic Events

  • What is the most epic event you have attended? Discuss.
  • In your opinion, should your country hold more epic and colorful sports events? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Would you like to experience attending an epic event in another country? Why or why not? Discuss.