Grade 2 Listening
UNIT 6 Lesson 3 | My sister talks louder than my mom.


I can listen to and understand the difference between two people and things.

Today's Expressions

Listen and repeat.
  1. My younger brother is taller than my older brother.

  2. My cat is more careful than my dog.

  3. Mark is a faster runner than Ken.

  4. My aunt is as kind as my grandmother.

  5. My sister talks louder than my mom.

  6. I think my cousin’s painting looks better.


Understand Expressions

Listen to Riku introduce his family members. You may take notes or write down the information you heard.
Answer the questions.
  1. Is Kota older than Haru?
  2. Who is better at playing video games, Kota or Haru?
  3. According to Riku, who is a better cook, his dad or his mom?
Listen to Lily talk to a junior student about her old teachers. You may take notes or write down the information you heard.
Answer the questions.
  1. Who is stricter?
  2. Who talks louder?
  3. Who is more passionate?

Practice Tasks

Complete the sentences using the clues in the box.
I think
more thoughtful
as patient
run faster
a stronger
  1. My piano teacher is _____ _____ as my math teacher.
  2. My younger sister is _____ _____ than my older sister.
  3. He is _____ _____ boxer than his father.
  4. I _____ _____ than Kate.
  5. _____ _____ his new song sounds better.
Complete the sentences by correcting the form of the clues in the parentheses.
  1. Sasha is (small) than Shizuka.
  2. My sister is a (strong) chess player than my mother.
  3. My mother is (cheerful) as my best friend.
  4. Our class president (speaks loud) than our teacher.
  5. I saw my old painting. I think my new painting looks (good).
Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct.
    1. My laptop is bigger than my bag.
    2. My laptop is more bigger than my bag.
    1. George is a busier student than Mike.
    2. George is busier student than Mike.
    1. My English teacher is motivating as my science teacher.
    2. My English teacher is as motivating as my science teacher.
    1. Hana walks faster than Aki.
    2. Hana walks more fast than Aki.
    1. Tom is more tired than Harry.
    2. Tom is most tired than Harry.
Arrange the following expressions in their correct order. Type your answers in the chat box.
  1. as funny as
    my brother
    my father is
  2. jumps higher
    than Ben
  3. her hair
    my hair
    is longer than

Perform Tasks

You are Aoi. Listen to Aoi talk about her cousins. You may take notes or write down the information you heard. Then, using the information you heard, talk to Lex.
Answer Lex’s question. Then, tell him who is taller between Mina and Yuri.
Tell him Yuri is as good as Mina at singing.
Answer Lex’s questions about your cousins.
Today’s Expressions

_____ is _____-er than _____.

_____ is more _____ than _____.

_____ is as _____ as _____.

I think _____ is / [sense verb] better.

You and Maria are looking at some pictures of her childhood friends. Listen to Maria talk about her friends. You may take notes or write down the information you heard. Then, tell Riku about them.
Answer Riku’s question.
Say who is older.
Say who is more funny and talkative.
Answer Riku's question and say who speaks louder.
Today’s Expressions

_____ is _____-er than _____.

_____ is more _____ than _____.

_____ is as _____ as _____.

_____ (verb) _____-er than _____.

You are Oliver. You asked Lily about your teachers for this school year. Listen to Lily talk about the school teachers. You may take notes or write down the information you heard. Then, tell Emma about them. You can use the expressions you learned in today’s lesson and the illustration below as reference.