Today's Expressions
My younger brother is taller than my older brother.
My cat is more careful than my dog.
Mark is a faster runner than Ken.
My aunt is as kind as my grandmother.
My sister talks louder than my mom.
I think my cousin’s painting looks better.
Understand Expressions
- Is Kota older than Haru? コウタはハルよりも年上ですか?
- Who is better at playing video games, Kota or Haru? コウタとハルは、どちらがよりテレビゲームが上手ですか?
- According to Riku, who is a better cook, his dad or his mom? リクによると、彼のお父さんとお母さんは、どちらがより料理上手ですか?
- Who is stricter? より厳しいのは誰ですか?
- Who talks louder? より大きな声で話すのは誰ですか?
- Who is more passionate? より熱心なのは誰ですか?
Practice Tasks
- My piano teacher is _____ _____ as my math teacher.
- My younger sister is _____ _____ than my older sister.
- He is _____ _____ boxer than his father.
- I _____ _____ than Kate.
- _____ _____ his new song sounds better.
- Sasha is (small) than Shizuka.
- My sister is a (strong) chess player than my mother.
- My mother is (cheerful) as my best friend.
- Our class president (speaks loud) than our teacher.
- I saw my old painting. I think my new painting looks (good).
- My laptop is bigger than my bag.
- My laptop is more bigger than my bag.
- George is a busier student than Mike.
- George is busier student than Mike.
- My English teacher is motivating as my science teacher.
- My English teacher is as motivating as my science teacher.
- Hana walks faster than Aki.
- Hana walks more fast than Aki.
- Tom is more tired than Harry.
- Tom is most tired than Harry.
as funny asmy brothermy father isjumps higherLukethan Benher hairmy hairis longer than4
Perform Tasks
1You are Aoi. Listen to Aoi talk about her cousins. You may take notes or write down the information you heard. Then, using the information you heard, talk to Lex. あなたはアオイです。まず、あなた(=アオイ)がいとこについて話しているのを聞きましょう。聞いた内容をメモしても構いません。 そのあとに、聞いた内容をもとに、レックスと話しましょう。Answer Lex’s question. Then, tell him who is taller between Mina and Yuri.
レックスの質問に答えましょう。そして、レックスに、ミナとユリのどちらの背がより高いかを伝えましょう。Tell him Yuri is as good as Mina at singing.
レックスに、ユリはミナと同じくらい歌が上手だと伝えましょう。Answer Lex’s questions about your cousins.
あなたのいとこについて、レックスの質問に答えましょう。Today’s Expressions_____ is _____-er than _____.
_____ is more _____ than _____.
_____ is as _____ as _____.
I think _____ is / [sense verb] better.
2You and Maria are looking at some pictures of her childhood friends. Listen to Maria talk about her friends. You may take notes or write down the information you heard. Then, tell Riku about them. あなたとマリアは、マリアの幼なじみたちの写真を見ています。 マリアが彼女の友人について話すのを聞きましょう。聞いた内容をメモしても構いません。 そのあとに、マリアの友人について、リクに伝えましょう。Answer Riku’s question.
リクの質問に答えましょう。Say who is older.
より年上なのは誰か言いましょう。Say who is more funny and talkative.
よりおもしろくて、よりおしゃべりなのは誰か言いましょう。Answer Riku's question and say who speaks louder.
リクの質問に答え、誰がより大きな声で話すか言いましょう。Today’s Expressions_____ is _____-er than _____.
_____ is more _____ than _____.
_____ is as _____ as _____.
_____ (verb) _____-er than _____.
3You are Oliver. You asked Lily about your teachers for this school year. Listen to Lily talk about the school teachers. You may take notes or write down the information you heard. Then, tell Emma about them. You can use the expressions you learned in today’s lesson and the illustration below as reference. あなたはオリバーです。あなた(=オリバー)はリリーに、今学年度の先生たちについて質問しました。リリーが学校の先生について話すのを聞きましょう。 聞いた内容をメモしても構いません。そのあとエマに、聞いた内容をもとに、今学年度の先生たちについて伝えましょう。 今回のレッスンで学んだ表現を使い、下のイラストを参考にしながら、自由に会話をしましょう。5Review
1Let’s review today’s lesson goal.
今回のレッスンゴールを復習しましょう。I can listen to and understand the difference between two people and things. 2人の人や2つのものの違いを聞いたり、理解したりすることができる。2Let’s review today’s lesson.
今回のレッスンの復習をしましょう。Today’s Expressions
今回の表現Words Learned
発音Self-Evaluation Score. Choose your score from the self-evaluation chart below.
I did an excellent job!
(You may now proceed to the next lesson.)I did great!
(We recommend taking the lesson again if you want to achieve excellent.)I did well.
(We recommend taking the lesson again.)I had some difficulty, but it was okay.
(We recommend taking the lesson again.)It was difficult, but I will try again.
(Please take the lesson again.)- Confident and had a lot of speaking interaction with tutor. 自信を持って講師とたくさん会話のやりとりができた。
- Used all the Today’s Expressions accurately and with no difficulty.Today’s Expressions(今回の表現)のすべてを正確に難なく使うことができた。
- Proactive when communicating with tutor.積極的に講師とコミュニケーションが取れた。
- Used all the Today’s Expressions accurately.Today’s Expressions(今回の表現)のすべてを正確に使うことができた。
- Able to answer when asked by tutor. 講師からの質問に答えることができた。
- Learned and used most of the Today’s Expressions accurately.Today’s Expressions(今回の表現)のほとんどを理解し、正確に使うことができた。
- Can understand and able to react using gestures (not verbally).理解はでき、(言葉が出ない場合でも)ジェスチャーを使って反応することができた。
- Learned and used some of the Today’s Expressions accurately.Today’s Expressions(今回の表現)のいくつかを理解し、正確に使うことができた。
- No effort made to communicate with tutor.講師とコミュニケーションを取ろうとしていなかった。
- Did not learn and use any Today’s Expressions accurately.Today’s Expressions(今回の表現)を全く理解できず、正確に使うことができなかった。