Grade 1 Unit Challenge
UNIT 1 Lesson 5 | My name is Riku.


I can complete the tasks using the things I learned in Unit 1.

Review Expressions

Complete the conversations.
  1. Tutor: What’s your name?

    Student: _____ _____ is Riku.

  2. Tutor: Hi, I’m Tim!

    Student: Hello, _____ _____ Anna.

  3. Tutor: What do you do?

    Student: _____ _____ student.

  4. Tutor: Are you an engineer?

    Student: Yes, _____ _____.

  5. Tutor: What animals do you like?

    Student: _____ _____ cats and dogs.

  6. Tutor: Where are you from?

    Student: _____ _____ Canada.

  7. Tutor: How old are you?

    Student: I’m 13 _____ _____.

  8. Student: _____ _____ from Brazil?

    Tutor: No, I’m not.


Build Sentences

Make sentences using the expressions you have learned from lessons 1-4. You may use any words you know. Use the whole two minutes to create as many sentences as you can. Type your sentences in the chat box.
  • I am/I’m _____.
  • I’m a/an _____.
  • I’m from _____.
  • I like _____.
  • Are you _____?
  • What _____ do you like?
  • Are you from _____?

Listening Challenge

Listen to the tutor carefully and answer the questions using the information you heard. You may take notes or write down the information you heard.
Answer the questions.
  1. Where is Mark from?
  2. How old is he?
  3. What is his club?

Reading Challenge

Find the errors and make corrections. You have 1 minute to check the errors in the text. This text has 2 errors. Then, read the correct text out aloud.
Hello! I’m name is Oliver Thomas. I'm from the U.K. I'm 13 years old. I like books and action movies. I'm an member of the book club.
Answer the questions.
  1. What is Oliver’s last name?
  2. Where is he from?
  3. What does he like?

Speaking Challenge 1

You switched seats with your classmate. You are now seated beside Lex. Introduce yourself and answer his questions.
Tell Lex your name.
Tell Lex where you are from and ask if he is from South Korea.
Ask Lex what sport he likes.
I am/I’m _____.
My name is _____.
I’m from _____.
Are you from _____?
What _____ do you like?
I like _____.


Speaking Challenge 2

You are talking to the new teacher, Ms. Ramos. Introduce yourself. Answer her questions and ask her questions. You can use "Remember?" below as reference.
I am/I’m _____.
My name is _____.
I’m a/an _____.
I’m from _____.
I’m _____ years old.
Are you from _____?

Discuss a Topic

Only if Time Allows
Pick a topic and discuss with your tutor.
Favorite Food
School Clubs