Grade 1 Reading
UNIT 6 Lesson 1 | He is cleaning his room now.


I can read and understand what someone does, does not do, and is doing now.

Today's Expressions

Listen and repeat.
  1. She takes some pictures.

  2. Mario does not eat fish.

  3. He is cleaning his room (now).

  4. Jane is not baking a cake (now).

  5. I am calling my sister (now).

  6. I am not working at the store (now).


Understand Expressions

Read an article about a famous artist.
Answer questions about the text.
  1. What time does Hajime Morita wake up?
  2. Does he take his lunch at 12 noon?
  3. What does he do at 9 p.m.?
Read the text messages below.
Answer questions about the text.
  1. Can Aoi help Minato with his project?
  2. What is their mom doing now?
  3. Is their dad still baking pies?

Practice Tasks

Choose the right word in the parentheses.
  1. He (works / working) at the convenience store.
  2. Mandy (do / does) not sleep late.
  3. She (is / are) driving the red car.
  4. Lex (is not / am not) joining the race.
  5. (I am / I are) going to the park.
Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct.
    1. I is not buy vegetables now.
    2. I am not buying vegetables now.
    1. Tom is not going to the shopping mall.
    2. Tom are not going to the shopping mall.
    1. He is swimming in the lake.
    2. He am swimming in the lake.
    1. Nicole do likes donuts.
    2. Nicole does not like donuts.
    1. She walks to school.
    2. She walk to school.
Use the clues in the speech bubbles to complete the sentences.
  1. 私は、今手紙を書いています。

    _____ _____ _____ _____ letter now.

  2. キムは、パーティーに行きません。

    _____ _____ _____ _____ to parties.

  3. オリバーは、今夕食をつくっています。

    _____ _____ _____ _____ now.

  4. 彼女は、皿洗いをしていません。

    _____ _____ _____ _____ the dishes.

  5. 私は、チョコレートを食べていません。

    _____ _____ _____ _____ chocolates.

Listen to the text. Then, answer the questions using the expressions you learned. You may take notes of the information you heard. Type your answers in the chat box.
  1. What time does Nancy wake up?
  2. Does she eat breakfast?
  3. What is she doing at the park now?

Perform Tasks

Read the article about a famous singer's eating habits. Tell Riku about what you’ve read.
Tell Riku you are reading an article about Margaret Carter.
Tell Riku what she eats and doesn’t eat.
Tell Riku what else she does.
Today’s Expressions
I am _____-ing _____ (now).
_____ _____-s/-es/-ies _____.
_____ does not _____.

You are Emma. Read an e-mail from your friend in the U.S. Then, talk to Aoi about it.
Tell Aoi you are reading an e-mail from your friend Henry.
Say yes and answer her next question.
Tell her who makes Henry’s lunch.
Tell her the boy behind Henry is not eating pizza. Say what the boy is eating.
Today’s Expressions
I am _____-ing _____ (now).
_____ does not _____.
I am not _____-ing _____ (now).
_____ is _____-ing _____ (now).
_____ _____-s/-es/-ies _____.
_____ is not _____-ing _____ (now).

Read a post about a famous athlete’s daily schedule. Then, tell Lex about what you’ve read. Answer his questions. You can use the expressions you learned in today’s lesson.