I can make the T sound and the Z-H sound.
Teresa wants to wear her casual beige dress at tea time tomorrow.
Sound Profile


slightly openやや開ける

the tip of the tongue touching behind the top front teeth + the sides of the tongue touching the top side teeth ➡ pulled back舌の先端を前歯の後ろに当てる+舌の両側を上の歯の内側に当てる➡引く

Slightly open your mouth.ややくちを開けましょう。
Press the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth. The sides of your tongue should touch your top side teeth.舌の先端を前歯の後ろに当てましょう。舌の両側が上の歯の内側に当たります。
Exhale. At the same time, pull your tongue back.息を吐きましょう。同時に舌を後ろに引きましょう。

Katakana Otoshiana
When English words ending with the T sound are written in katakana, a vowel sound is added after them.
cut ➡ katto (カット)
ticket ➡ chiketto (チケット)
yacht ➡ yotto (ヨット)
Be careful not to add the vowel sound in English!
Tの音で終わる英単語がカタカナで発音される場合、 単語の終わりに母音が追加されてしまいます。
cut ➡ katto (カット)
ticket ➡ chiketto (チケット)
yacht ➡ yotto (ヨット)


slightly openやや開ける

pushed forward前に突き出す

the front of the tongue close to but not touching behind the top front teeth舌の前方を前歯の後ろに触れない程度に近づける

Slightly open your mouth and push your lips forward.ややくちを開いて唇を前に突き出しましょう。
Put the front of your tongue close to but not touching behind your top front teeth.舌の前方を前歯の後ろに触れない程度に近づけましょう。
Make a voiced sound.音を出しましょう。

Katakana Otoshiana
When English words ending with the Z-H sound are written in katakana, a vowel sound is added after them.
beige ➡ beeju (ベージュ)
massage ➡ massaaji (マッサージ)
garage ➡ gareeji (ガレージ)
Be careful not to add the vowel sound in English!
beige ➡ beeju (ベージュ)
massage ➡ massaaji (マッサージ)
garage ➡ gareeji (ガレージ)
Slightly open your mouth.ややくちを開けましょう。
Press the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth. The sides of your tongue should touch your top side teeth.舌の先端を前歯の後ろに当てましょう。舌の両側が上の歯の内側に当たります。
Exhale. At the same time, pull your tongue back.息を吐きましょう。同時に舌を後ろに引きましょう。
Slightly open your mouth and push your lips forward.ややくちを開いて唇を前に突き出しましょう。
Put the front of your tongue close to but not touching behind your top front teeth.舌の前方を前歯の後ろに触れない程度に近づけましょう。
Make a voiced sound.音を出しましょう。

Katakana Otoshiana
When English words ending with the T sound are written in katakana, a vowel sound is added after them.
cut ➡ katto (カット)
ticket ➡ chiketto (チケット)
yacht ➡ yotto (ヨット)
Be careful not to add the vowel sound in English!
Tの音で終わる英単語がカタカナで発音される場合、 単語の終わりに母音が追加されてしまいます。
cut ➡ katto (カット)
ticket ➡ chiketto (チケット)
yacht ➡ yotto (ヨット)

Katakana Otoshiana
When English words ending with the Z-H sound are written in katakana, a vowel sound is added after them.
beige ➡ beeju (ベージュ)
massage ➡ massaaji (マッサージ)
garage ➡ gareeji (ガレージ)
Be careful not to add the vowel sound in English!
beige ➡ beeju (ベージュ)
massage ➡ massaaji (マッサージ)
garage ➡ gareeji (ガレージ)
- Ted wants to eat toast and drink tea.
- Teresa and the team took a taxi to Tennessee.
- Matt hit the ball two times with his bat.
- Tony played with ten toys in his tent.
- Kate typed two papers for Tom.
- My favorite movie genre is Asian anime.
- Ann usually has clear vision.
- I’m reading the book Decision-Maker for pleasure.
- My beige car is in the garage.
- I wore a cashmere robe during my massage.
/t/ + /ʒ/
- Tom took a taxi to the garage.
- I don’t like that genre.
- Teresa wants to wear her casual beige dress at tea time tomorrow.
- Ted’s television is usually too loud.
- It’s a pleasure to see you two in Asia!
Tutor: | What time is it? Is it time for tea? |
Student: | Yes, it’s tea time. It’s two o’clock. |
Tutor: | Do you want some toast? I can make some in ten minutes. |
Student: | Sure, but don’t take too long. Your tea won’t be hot anymore. |
Tutor: | Okay. Do you want some jam on your toast? |
Student: | Sure! Jam on toast sounds great! |
Student: | Let’s watch an Asian movie. |
Tutor: | Sure. What genre should we watch? |
Student: | Hmm. It’s really hard to make a decision. |
Tutor: | Aha, I know! There’s a new version of your favorite movie, Casual Cashmere. |
Student: | Oh, nice! They usually make a new version of Casual Cashmere every few years. Watching each version is always a pleasure. |
/t/ + /ʒ/
Student: | I heard you’re going to Asia with Teresa. |
Tutor: | Yes. We saw an Asian movie last week and it inspired us. |
Student: | Wow, that was a quick decision! But, um, Asia is really big. Which part of Asia are you going to? |
Tutor: | We’re going to Taipei, Taiwan. I want to take a tour and get a Taiwanese massage. |
Student: | Wow! Spend some leisure time at the beaches too. I heard they’re excellent… And maybe you can find some treasure! |
Teresa wants to wear her casual beige dress at tea time tomorrow.
I can make the T sound and the Z-H sound.
Tの音とZ-Hの音を発音できるようになる。SCORING RUBRIC
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds very smoothly and naturally. Very well done! 本日の音を問題なく自然に発音できました。素晴らしいです。 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds with minimal difficulty. できました。上出来です。 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds but struggled a lot. We recommend taking 手こずりました。もう一度レッスンを 受けましょう。 |
You were unable to produce today’s sounds. Please take the もう一度レッスンを受けてください。 |
発音が相手にとって聞き取りやすいか phoneme
Is your pronunciation easy for the other person to hear?