I can make the short I sound and the long I sound.
short Iの音とlong Iの音を発音できるようになる。
Mike’s kitten bit my right hand.
Sound Profile
slightly openやや開ける
the front of the tongue raised舌の前方を持ち上げる
Slightly open your mouth.ややくちを開けましょう。
Raise the front of your tongue.舌の前方を持ち上げましょう。
Make a voiced sound.音を出しましょう。
You should feel the apples of your cheeks rise slightly.頬が上がるのを確認しましょう。
Katakana Otoshiana
Because there is no perfect match for the short I sound in Japanese, many English words with that sound are written with i (イ) in katakana.
Tim ➡ Timu (ティム)
SIM card ➡ shimu kaado (SIMカード)
give up ➡ gibu (ギブ)
Be careful to make them the short I sound in English!
日本語にはshort Iの音がありません。そのためshort Iの音が含まれる英単語はよくカタカナの「イ」で表記されます。
Tim ➡ Timu (ティム)
SIM card ➡ shimu kaado (SIMカード)
give up ➡ gibu (ギブ)
英語で発音する時はshort Iの音で発音するように気を付けましょう!
open ➡ slightly open開ける→やや開ける
neutral ➡ stretched horizontally元の位置→横に開く
low + touching the bottom side teeth ➡ the middle of the tongue close to but not touching the roof of the mouth + the sides of the tongue touching the top side teeth平坦にして下の歯の内側に当てる→舌の先端を下の前歯の後ろに触れない程度に近づける+舌の両側を上の歯の内側に当てる
Open your mouth. Keep your tongue low. The sides of your tongue should touch your bottom side teeth.くちを開けましょう。舌を平坦にしましょう。舌の両側が下の歯に当たります。
Make a voiced sound.音を出しましょう。
Slightly close your mouth and stretch your lips horizontally.ややくちを閉じて唇を横に開きましょう。
Raise the middle of your tongue close to but not touching the roof of your mouth. The sides of your tongue should touch your top side teeth.舌の中央を上あごに当たらない程度に持ち上げましょう。舌の両側が上の歯の内側に当たります。
Make a voiced sound.音を出しましょう。
You should feel the apples of your cheeks rise slightly.頬が上がるのを確認しましょう。
Katakana Otoshiana
Many English words with the long I sound are written with ai (アイ) in katakana. The way you form both the English and Japanese sounds is the same, but the katakana words can sometimes sound choppier.
like ➡ ra-i-ku (ライク)
cry ➡ ku-ra-i (クライ)
tight ➡ ta-i-to (タイト)
Be careful to have a smooth transition in English!
long Iの音が含まれる英単語はよくカタカナの「アイ」で表記されています。long Iの音と「アイ」の発音は似ていますが、カタカナで発音する場合は音がとぎれとぎれになってしまいます。
like ➡ ra-i-ku (ライク)
cry ➡ ku-ra-i (クライ)
tight ➡ ta-i-to (タイト)
英語でlong I の音を発音する時はカタカナのように音と音の間を切ってしまわないように気を付けましょう!
Slightly open your mouth.ややくちを開けましょう。
Raise the front of your tongue.舌の前方を持ち上げましょう。
Make a voiced sound.音を出しましょう。
You should feel the apples of your cheeks rise slightly.頬が上がるのを確認しましょう。
Open your mouth. Keep your tongue low. The sides of your tongue should touch your bottom side teeth.くちを開けましょう。舌を平坦にしましょう。舌の両側が下の歯に当たります。
Make a voiced sound.音を出しましょう。
Slightly close your mouth and stretch your lips horizontally.ややくちを閉じて唇を横に開きましょう。
Raise the middle of your tongue close to but not touching the roof of your mouth. The sides of your tongue should touch your top side teeth.舌の中央を上あごに当たらない程度に持ち上げましょう。舌の両側が上の歯の内側に当たります。
Make a voiced sound.音を出しましょう。
You should feel the apples of your cheeks rise slightly.頬が上がるのを確認しましょう。
Katakana Otoshiana
Because there is no perfect match for the short I sound in Japanese, many English words with that sound are written with i (イ) in katakana.
Tim ➡ Timu (ティム)
SIM card ➡ shimu kaado (SIMカード)
give up ➡ gibu (ギブ)
Be careful to make them the short I sound in English!
日本語にはshort Iの音がありません。そのためshort Iの音が含まれる英単語はよくカタカナの「イ」で表記されます。
Tim ➡ Timu (ティム)
SIM card ➡ shimu kaado (SIMカード)
give up ➡ gibu (ギブ)
英語で発音する時はshort Iの音で発音するように気を付けましょう!
Katakana Otoshiana
Many English words with the long I sound are written with ai (アイ) in katakana. The way you form both the English and Japanese sounds is the same, but the katakana words can sometimes sound choppier.
like ➡ ra-i-ku (ライク)
cry ➡ ku-ra-i (クライ)
tight ➡ ta-i-to (タイト)
Be careful to have a smooth transition in English!
long Iの音が含まれる英単語はよくカタカナの「アイ」で表記されています。long Iの音と「アイ」の発音は似ていますが、カタカナで発音する場合は音がとぎれとぎれになってしまいます。
like ➡ ra-i-ku (ライク)
cry ➡ ku-ra-i (クライ)
tight ➡ ta-i-to (タイト)
英語でlong I の音を発音する時はカタカナのように音と音の間を切ってしまわないように気を付けましょう!
- The kitten licked the pig.
- Tim lost his mitten at the gym.
- Jim will give Kim a big gift.
- Did the kid swim away from the ship?
- The fish hit Dustin’s lip with its fin.
- Cyrus might cry.
- Bugs bite me at night.
- Mike drank wine in the dining room.
- These nine bikes are mine.
- Ike’s wife served us pies and ice cream.
/ɪ/ + /aɪ/
- Mike’s mittens are too tight.
- Tim might swim at night.
- Cyrus put nine figs in the pie.
- Jim likes to play dice because he wins a lot.
- His wife gives nice gifts.
Student: | Tim and I are going to the swimming pool near the gym. |
Tutor: | Are you going to practice swimming? |
Student: | Tim is going to practice with his team. I’m just going to watch them. |
Tutor: | Okay. Tim and his team practice a lot. They’re really working hard. |
Student: | Yeah. They really want to win the swimming championship this year. |
Student: | Hi, Ida! How are you? |
Tutor: | I’m fine now, but I had a high fever last night. |
Student: | Really? Why? Are you sure you’re fine now? |
Tutor: | No, not really. I feel like I might fall anytime. |
Student: | Uh-oh. Please lie down and get some rest tonight. |
/ɪ/ + /aɪ/
Student: | Why did you cry? Did the kitten bite you? |
Tutor: | Yes. Mike’s kitten bit my right hand. It hurts. |
Student: | Oh, no. Wash it and wipe it with a clean cloth. Hey, where is the kitten? |
Tutor: | I don’t know. I cried loudly and it ran into the dining room. |
Student: | Poor kitty! I hope it’s fine. |
Mike’s kitten bit my right hand.
I can make the short I sound and the long I sound.
short Iの音とlong Iの音を発音できるようになる。SCORING RUBRIC
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds very smoothly and naturally. Very well done! 本日の音を問題なく自然に発音できました。素晴らしいです。 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds with minimal difficulty. できました。上出来です。 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds but struggled a lot. We recommend taking 手こずりました。もう一度レッスンを 受けましょう。 |
You were unable to produce today’s sounds. Please take the もう一度レッスンを受けてください。 |
発音が相手にとって聞き取りやすいか phoneme
Is your pronunciation easy for the other person to hear?