Lesson 3: The Concept of Honor
He thinks Jun humiliated him on purpose.

I can read and understand someone talking about the concept of honor.


The concept of honor is a very important part of many cultures, especially in Asia. It’s helpful to learn about it in order to avoid offending others.



I. Go over the expressions with your tutor.

    1. To think more/less of someone means to have a better/worse opinion of a person.


    People started to think less of the famous actor when they found out that he was abusive.



    2. To humiliate someone means to make a person feel really embarrassed, especially in front of other people.


    It’s not nice to laugh at your friend’s mistake – you humiliated him.



    3. To lose face means to feel like you lost others’ respect because of something very embarrassing.


    The pop star lost face when she joined a singing competition and was beaten by an amateur.


    II. What do you do to avoid disrespecting others? Explain using the expressions above.


When a word that ends with /t/ comes before a word that starts with y, the /t/ and /y/ often combine to form /ch/.
Phrase Example

humiliate you

/ hyoo-mil-ee-ey-chu /

I didn’t mean to / hyoo-mil-ee-ey-chu /.



Saori is reading an email from Catherine.

Hey, Saori!

How’s it going? I hope you and Aoi-chan are doing okay on your own. Did everything go well with Naoki’s move?

Things aren’t going so well here. Last night, Dad lost to Jun while playing cards. Jun said it was beginner’s luck since it was his first time playing poker, but that made Dad feel bad. He thinks Jun humiliated him on purpose. He insists Jun used the phrase “beginner’s luck” to point out that he was a beginner but still beat my dad, someone who plays poker with his friends every weekend. Of course that wasn’t what Jun meant, but you know my parents—even little things like card games affect their pride. They always try their best to not lose face. I really hope this doesn’t make them think less of Jun

Anyway, I got some sweets for Aoi-chan yesterday! Would you like me to get you anything? Let me know!



In Chinese, the saying a person needs a face; a tree needs bark is used to remind people to be careful of their words and actions. Protecting one’s honor is very important in Taiwan and China.



Choose the sentences that best use the underlined expressions.

1. __________.

  • She’s careful not to do anything embarrassing so that she doesn’t lose face.
  • She lost face when she was given the Best Employee Award.


2. __________.

  • When fans found out about the actor’s charity work, they thought less of him.
  • The actor always makes sure to be polite to everyone so that his fans won’t think less of him.


3. __________.

  • You humiliated Shane when you complimented his idea.
  • You humiliated Shane when you shouted at him in front of other people.


4. __________.

  • If you want my parents to think more of you, you should volunteer with them next week.
  • My family thought less of you when you treated them to a nice dinner.


Complete the dialogues using the expressions in parentheses. The form of some expressions may need to be changed.


Tutor: Did you see AJ point out Amber’s mistake during her presentation?

Student: Yeah. (humiliate someone)




Tutor: Why does Kate’s boyfriend always give her parents expensive gifts?

Student: (think more/less of someone)




Tutor: Did Yumi quit the swim team because she was the only one who didn’t win a medal?

Student: I think so. (lose face)




Tutor: What do you think about the goalkeeper getting arrested for drugs?

Student: (think more/less of someone)


Challenge 1

You and your coworker are on a business trip in Taiwan. A Taiwanese client invited you both to dinner at his house later this week. Read an article about Taiwan’s dining etiquette. Then, talk about it with your coworker.

Today's Expressions

  • think more/less of someone
  • humiliate someone
  • lose face

Saving Face at the Taiwanese Dinner Table

Some of the most delicious dishes in Asia can be found in Taiwan, so it’s always exciting to be invited to a Taiwanese dinner! But before indulging in a hearty feast of oyster pancakes and various dumplings, you should make sure that you’re aware of Taiwanese dining customs. Violating any of these customs—even accidentally—may humiliate your hosts and cause you to lose face.

Here are some tips you should remember when dining with Taiwanese hosts:

  • Serve yourself, but wait for your host’s signal before starting. Be careful not to take food while somebody else is doing so.
  • Use chopsticks properly. If you don’t know how to use them, you may politely ask for Western utensils.
  • Remember to never make loud noises when eating. It’s considered very rude.
  • Try every dish that your host prepared unless you have health-related reasons. If you have allergies, tell your host.
  • Don’t forget to make positive comments about every dish. Yes, even if you don’t like them very much!


These are only simple tips, but following them can make your Taiwanese hosts feel that you value their customs. They’ll be sure to think more of you!

Challenge 2

Discuss your ideas.

If Time








  1. What are some common reasons for people to lose face?
  2. What should someone do if they lose face?
  3. How can you avoid causing someone to lose face?
  4. How would you help a friend who has just lost face?


  1. What’s something that would make you think more of someone?
  2. What’s something that would make you think less of someone?
  3. What can you do to make people think more of you?
  4. How much do you care about what people think of you?


  1. What do you think makes someone honorable?
  2. What do you think makes someone NOT honorable?
  3. Do you care about protecting your honor?
  4. Do you care about protecting your family’s honor?


I can read and understand someone talking about the concept of honor.


  • 4
    Very Good

    Could complete the task with ease

  • 3

    Could complete the task with some clarifications

  • 2

    Could complete the task with additional instructions

  • 1

    Could somehow complete the task with difficulty