You and a friend are traveling abroad. You want to try a local restaurant.

Find a good restaurant and express your opinion about the food.


1. Ask a hostel owner for restaurant recommendations.
2. Read a restaurant review.
3. Tell your friend how much you liked or disliked the food.



Change the underlined questions into indirect questions using the expressions in the box. More than one answer is possible.

Could you tell me…?
Do you know…?
Do you have any idea…?
  1. I need to find a place to stay tonight. Is there a nice hotel around here?
  1. I want to go shopping for clothes tomorrow. Where’s the mall?
  1. That restaurant has really good reviews. Is it expensive?
  1. I’d like to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables. Where’s the market?


Choose the correct words in the parentheses.

1. Best Brew’s coffee is (too / enough) bitter! Caffeine Kingdom’s coffee isn’t great, but it’s (slightly / much more) better than Best Brew’s.

2. This lasagna isn’t meaty (too / enough). I like Perry’s Diner (much more / by far) than this restaurant!

3. My friend said the burgers here were small, but I think this burger is big (too / enough). It’s (by far / a lot) the biggest hamburger that I’ve ever eaten!


Challenge 1

You and your friend just arrived at your hostel in a foreign country. You want to have dinner at a local restaurant tomorrow night.

Ask the hostel owner for restaurant recommendations. Be sure to ask about the following:

  • the prices
  • the locations
  • the menus


  • Could you tell me...?
  • Do you know...?
  • Do you have any idea...?

Challenge 2

After shopping all day, you and your friend returned to your room at the hostel. On your bed you found the restaurant review that the hostel owner had promised to give you.

Read the review.


  • slightly
  • a little
  • much
  • a lot
  • by far


Food Heights

This place is by far the most romantic restaurant I’ve been to! It’s on the rooftop of a hotel, so you can enjoy the view of the city. The food is slightly more expensive than most restaurants in the area, but it’s so good! You should try their baby back ribs or classic smoked chicken.



The Back Alley

This restaurant proves that you don’t need to pay a lot to get good food! The decor is a little less classy than many other restaurants, but I actually like the unique atmosphere. Their lasagna is a lot tastier than some of the more expensive ones I’ve tried!



  1. Which restaurant has more expensive food?
    • Food Heights
    • The Back Alley
  2. What dishes does the reviewer recommend at Food Heights?
    • classic smoked chicken and baby back ribs
    • stir-fried rice and beef stew
  3. How does The Back Alley compare to other restaurants?
    • The atmosphere is a little less classy.
    • The food is a little more expensive.

Challenge 3

You and your friend just ate dinner at one of the restaurants recommended by the hostel owner. Now you are walking back to your hostel.
Tell your friend what you liked and disliked about the food.


  • (not) enough
  • (way/a bit) too


Find a good restaurant and express your opinion about the food.


  • 4
    Very Good

    Could complete the task with ease

  • 3

    Could complete the task with some clarifications

  • 2

    Could complete the task with additional instructions

  • 1

    Could somehow complete the task with difficulty