I can use simple present tense yes/no questions with do-verbs.
一般動詞を用いた現在時制の yes/no 疑問文を使うことができるようになる。Grammar Point
Use simple present yes/no questions with do-verbs to ask closed questions* about routines and unchanging situations.
習慣や不変の状況についてクローズドクエスチョン*を使ってたずねるために、一般動詞を用いた現在時制の疑問文の使い方を学びましょう。*closed questions usually require simple yes/no answers
For do-verb sentences, add do or does before the subject and change the original do-verb to its dictionary form.
一般動詞の文では、主語の前に do または does を加え、動詞を原形に変えます。
You like pasta. |
Do you like pasta? |
He takes the train. |
Does he take the train? |
She has a dog. |
Does she have a dog? |
They study English. |
Do they study English? |
Do you watch TV?
Does he have a sister?
Does she talk a lot?
Do they drink alcohol?
Use short phrases to positively answer yes/no questions with do-verbs.
一般動詞を用いた yes/no 疑問文に、短い文を使って肯定的に答えましょう。
Yes, I do.
Yes, you do.
Yes, he does.
Yes, she does.
Yes, it does.
Yes, we do.
Yes, they do.
Q: Do you watch TV?
A: Yes, I do.
Q: あなたはテレビを観ますか?
A: はい、観ます。
Q: Does he have a sister?
A: Yes, he does.
Q: 彼には姉がいますか?
A: はい、います。
Q: Do they drink alcohol?
A: Yes, they do.
Q: 彼らはお酒を飲みますか?
A: はい、飲みます。
Use short phrases to negatively answer yes/no questions with do-verbs too.
一般動詞を用いた yes/no 疑問文に、短い文を使って否定的に答えましょう。
No, I don’t.
No, you don’t.
No, he doesn’t.
No, she doesn’t.
No, it doesn’t.
No, we don’t.
No, they don’t.
Q: Do you watch TV?
A: No, I don’t.
Q: あなたはテレビを観ますか?
A: いいえ、観ません。
Q: Does he have a sister?
A: No, he doesn’t.
Q: 彼には姉がいますか?
A: いいえ、いません。
Q: Do they drink alcohol?
A: No, they don’t.
Q: 彼らはお酒を飲みますか?
A: いいえ、飲みません。
Sentence Builder
Does she have a sister?
Do they drink alcohol?
Do you eat spicy food?
No, I don’t.
Do they like milk?
Do you study French?
Does he need water?
Yes, it does.
Does she do yoga?
Do they have a meeting today?
No, he doesn’t.
Make new sentences using the grammar point. Change the statements into questions.
グラマーポイントを用いて新しい文を作りましょう。文を疑問文に変えましょう。She has a dog.
They eat sushi.
You watch anime.
It wants milk.
He does karate.
I have a message from Tim.
She reads manga.
They go shopping a lot.
We need toilet paper.
He works downtown.
You like winter.
Do you have a sister?あなたに姉(妹)はいますか?
Do your friends study English?あなたの友達は英語の勉強をしますか?
Do you like spicy food?辛い食べ物は好きですか?
Does your best friend have a pet?親友はペットを飼っていますか?
Do you drink alcohol?お酒を飲みますか?
I can use simple present tense yes/no questions with do-verbs.
一般動詞を用いた現在時制の yes/no 疑問文を使うことができるようになる。LESSON GOAL ACHIEVEMENT
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You were able to use the grammar point very smoothly and naturally. Great job! グラマーポイントをとても自然でスムーズに使うことができました。大変良くできました! |
You were able to use the grammar point with minimal difficulty. |
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