Health and Lifestyle: Vacation



Have a conversation with your tutor using the questions below as starting points. It's okay not to do all 10 questions. Go where the conversation takes you!

  • How was your last vacation?

  • Do you try to take a vacation every year?

  • Do you have a usual vacation place, or do you try to go somewhere new each time?

  • Would you consider going on vacation by yourself?

  • What’s your favorite way to travel (ex. fly, take the bullet train)?

  • Do you like to schedule every minute of your vacation, or do you prefer to just go with the flow?

  • Do you prefer cheap or expensive hotels?

  • Do you sometimes bring your work with you on vacation?

  • Do you always buy omiyage for others when you go on vacation?

  • How far in advance do you usually plan your vacations?