All About Me: My Morning Routine



Have a conversation with your tutor using the questions below as starting points. It's okay not to do all 15 questions. Go where the conversation takes you!

  • Do you like the morning?

  • What time do you wake up?

  • Do you eat breakfast?

  • Do you brush your teeth in the morning?

  • Do you take a shower or bath in the morning?

  • Do you do your hair in the morning?

  • Do you exercise in the morning?

  • Do you choose your clothes in the morning?

  • Do you make a bento in the morning?

  • Do you watch TV in the morning?

  • Do you read the news in the morning?

  • Do you put on makeup in the morning?

  • Are you sleepy in the morning?

  • Are you happy in the morning?

  • Are you busy in the morning?