A judge has temporarily halted enforcement of an Ohio law limiting kids’ use of social media

Category : Education/Family

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. laudable / ˈlɔ də bəl / (adj.) – worthy of praise and admiration

    The team received recognition for its laudable achievements in the field of medical research.

  2. purport / pərˈpɔrt / (v.) – to claim to do something even if it isn’t true

    The website purports to offer exclusive discounts, but many customers have reported hidden fees.

  3. blunt instrument / blʌnt ˈɪn strə mənt / (n.) – a way of doing something that’s not effective because it produces unwanted effects

    Relying only on exams to measure students’ learning is a blunt instrument.

  4. mandate / ˈmæn deɪt / (v.) – to officially require someone to do something

    The government mandates that everyone wears a mask in crowded places.

  5. disingenuous / ˌdɪs ɪnˈdʒɛn yu əs / (adj.) – not completely honest or sincere

    The disingenuous politician had promised projects that he never delivered.


Read the text below.

A federal judge issued an order in January temporarily halting enforcement of a pending Ohio law that would require children to get parental consent to use social media apps.

U.S. District Court Judge Algenon Marbley’s temporary restraining order came in a lawsuit brought by NetChoice, a trade group representing TikTok, Snapchat, Meta, and other major tech companies. The litigation argues that the law unconstitutionally impedes free speech and is overbroad and vague.

While calling the intent to protect children “a laudable aim,” Marbley said it is unlikely that Ohio will be able to show the law is “narrowly tailored to any ends that it identifies.”

“Foreclosing minors under sixteen from accessing all content on websites that the Act purports to cover, absent affirmative parental consent, is a breathtakingly blunt instrument for reducing social media’s harm to children,” he wrote.

Besides requiring social media companies to obtain a parent’s permission for children under 16 to sign up for social media and gaming apps, it also mandates that the companies provide parents with their privacy guidelines so that families can know what content will be censored or moderated on their child’s profile.

The Social Media Parental Notification Act was part of an $86.1 billion state budget bill that Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law in July. The administration pushed the measure as a way to protect children’s mental health, with Republican Lt. Gov. Jon Husted saying at the time that social media was “intentionally addictive” and harmful to kids.

“The big-tech companies behind this lawsuit were included in the legislative process to make sure the law was clear and easy to implement, but now they claim the law is unclear,” he said in a statement. “They were disingenuous participants in the process and have no interest in protecting children.”

The governor also lamented the decision.

“The negative effects that social media sites and apps have on our children’s mental health have been well documented, and this law was one way to empower parents to have a role in their kids’ digital lives,” he said in a statement.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • In your opinion, are laws that mandate parental consent for kids using social media necessary, or do they violate children’s rights? Why? Discuss.
  • The intention behind the law was to empower parents in their children’s digital lives. Do you think parental involvement is crucial in managing children’s online activities? Why or why not? If you were a parent, how would you limit your child’s social media use? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Lt. Gov. Jon Husted mentioned that social media is “intentionally addictive” and harmful to kids. What activities or strategies do you think parents can explore to limit their children’s social media use (ex. sign up their kids for art or language classes, increase family time)? Why? Discuss.
  • How do you think parents can be empowered to have a role in their kids’ digital lives (ex. stay informed about latest trends on social media, monitor children’s online access)? Discuss.
Category : Education/Family