Passenger brained by flying turtle; both live

Category : Human Interest

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. windshield / ˈwɪndˌʃild / (n.) – the glass window at the front of a car, truck, or other vehicle that protects passengers from the wind

    Your windshield is so dirty! Are you sure you can see enough to drive?

  2. gash / gæʃ / (v.) – to make a long, deep cut on the surface of something, such as the skin

    Tommy gashed his leg when he climbed the tree.

  3. strike / straɪk / (v.) – to hit someone or something forcefully or violently

    The car spun out of control and struck a nearby tree.

  4. pull over / pʊl ˈoʊ vər / (phrasal v.) – to drive a vehicle to the side of the road and stop

    We heard a loud noise, so we pulled over to check if the car was okay.

  5. actual / ˈæk tʃu əl / (adj.) – real and not fake or imagined

    The movie used actual snakes instead of rubber ones.


Read the text below.

It’s not unusual for rocks and other debris to crash through a windshield and injure a driver or passenger — but a turtle?

A 71-year-old woman riding with her daughter on Florida’s Interstate 95 suffered a gashed forehead April 21 when a turtle smashed through the windshield of their car, striking her, The Daytona Beach News-Journal reported.

The daughter pulled over and got help from another motorist. According to a 911 recording, both were surprised by what they found.

“There is a turtle in there,” the man can be overheard saying.

“A turtle!” the daughter exclaimed. “An actual turtle?”

The gash drew a lot of blood, but the woman was not seriously hurt. The turtle was likely crossing the interstate and got knocked into the air by another vehicle.

“I swear to God this lady has the worst luck of anything,” the daughter told the 911 operator.

The turtle, on the other hand, had the best luck of anything — it just had a few scratches on its shell and was released back into the nearby woods, Port Orange police officer Andre Fleming said. (AP)

This article was provided by The Japan Times Alpha.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • The woman suffered a gashed forehead when a turtle smashed through the windshield of her car, but both she and the turtle survived the accident. What do you think about this story (ex. wouldn’t believe it if it weren’t in the newspaper, a great story to tell her grandkids)? Why? Discuss.
  • The woman’s daughter pulled over and got help from another motorist. If you saw a car suddenly pull over on the highway, would you pull over to see if the people needed help? Why or why not? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • The woman’s daughter said, “I swear to God this lady has the worst luck of anything.” Do you know anyone who seems to have more bad things happen to him/her than other people? How about anyone who seems to have more good things happen to him/her than other people? Discuss.
  • In addition to the woman’s bad luck, the article talks about the turtle’s good luck because it just had a few scratches on its shell. Do you believe in good and bad luck? Why or why not? Discuss.
Category : Human Interest