Smart Wearable Jacket Lets Deaf People Experience Music

Category : Technology/Innovations

Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. collaborate / kəˈlæb əˌreɪt / (v) – to work with someone

    We collaborated with the local government to reach small towns for our medical mission.

  2. sensation / sɛnˈseɪ ʃən / (n) – a feeling experienced by the body

    Eating wasabi left a burning sensation on my tongue.

  3. torso / ˈtɔr soʊ / (n) – the part of the body where the chest, back, and abdomen are located

    This vest was made with thick materials to protect the torso.

  4. sequence / ˈsi kwəns / (n) – a set of related things happening in a particular order

    He was not able to do all the exercises in the sequence.

  5. conduct / kənˈdʌk t / (v) – to allow heat or electricity to flow from one place to another

    Copper wires are used to conduct electricity.


Read the text below.

Deaf people can now appreciate music through a smart jacket called the Sound Shirt.

London-based fashion company CuteCircuit collaborated with an orchestra from Hamburg to create a jacket that can help deaf people feel music. CuteCircuit founders Ryan Genz and Francesca Rosella were able to fully develop the innovative clothing after more than a decade.

The high-tech jacket works by converting sounds to sensations. The clothing uses a program that turns music into data. It also has 16 sensors attached to its fabric that correspond to microphones located at different parts of the stage. When an orchestra plays, the microphones send data to the jacket’s sensors, which will convert sounds to vibrations.

According to Genz, each type of sound will be felt at a specific part of the body. Heavy bass notes are felt in the lower torso close to the stomach. Lighter sounds like ones created by violins are felt in the upper body near the neck. After sensing a sequence of touches, the wearer will be able to find connections between the vibrations and experience the music completely.

Rosella said that the jacket does not have wires. Instead, the data are transmitted through smart fabrics that can conduct electrical signals. She added that the jacket’s material is comfortable and stretchable.

Deaf twin sisters Hermon and Heroda Berhane, who tried the jacket firsthand, gave positive feedback about the product. Hermon said that while wearing the Sound Shirt, she felt like she was experiencing the music deeply.

The Sound Shirt is expected to be sold for $3,673 each, but the developers believe that the experience is worth the price.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

• Considering its price and function, do you agree that the Sound Shirt is worth buying? Why or why not?
• What do you think are other applications of this smart jacket (e.g. helping deaf people detect sound outdoors)? Discuss.

Discussion B

• Aside from letting deaf people experience music, in what other ways can we make art accessible to people with disabilities? Discuss.
• Why do you think it is important to make art (e.g. music, visual arts) accessible to people with disabilities? Explain.

Category : Technology/Innovations